Quick Tips for Reducing Stress in Daily Life

  • Practice Deep Breathing:

    • Melt the belly and shoulders- opens the diaphragm.

    • Deep breaths help calm your nervous system.

    • Benefits: Instant relaxation and improved focus.

  • Move Your Body:

    • Physical activity releases endorphins (feel-good chemicals), reducing stress.

    • Benefits: Improved mood and reduced tension.

  • Prioritize Sleep:

    • Quality sleep is essential for stress recovery.

    • Benefits: Increased energy and enhanced resilience.

    • Reduce as much light and inconsistent sound as possible. It disrupts deep sleep.

    • Consider sound machine, white noise or brown noise to drown out sounds.

    • Make sure your body temperature is very comfortable. Get a fan or blanket. The less your body has to work to regulate, the better.

    • Go on a technology diet at least 1-2 hrs before bed routine.

    • Have consistent bedtimes.

    • Get out of bed at the first alarm. Consider getting sunlight at this time.

  • Mindfulness Meditation:

    • Mindfulness reduces anxiety and promotes well-being.

    • Benefits: Greater emotional control and reduced stress.

  • Limit Caffeine Intake:

    • High caffeine can trigger or exacerbate stress.

    • Benefits: Reduced jitters, better sleep.

  • Limit Alcohol Consumption:

    • Alcohol can worsen anxiety and stress reactions.

    • Benefits: Improved mental clarity and better mood.

    • Prevents deeper sleep and can cause restlessness and early awakening after initially falling asleep. 

  • Be Cautious with Marijuana Use:

    • Marijuana can increase anxiety afterward.

  • Limit news and drama entertainment consumption.


The Invisible Link: How Untreated Anxiety Can Lead to Depression


Why Avoidance of Anxiety Snowballs Anxiety.